Mobility in business: it is time to go global

The combination of the Covid-19 pandemic and technological advancement have changed almost everything we thought we knew about working environments.

The combination of the Covid-19 pandemic and technological advancement have changed almost everything we thought we knew about working environments. Employees can work remotely at any time and from any location, as long as they have the proper credentials to access the company’s data centers. They can get up-to-date information, stay in touch with coworkers and customers and collaborate and complete tasks quickly. But the need for work in the same time zones and having the same languages and culture as your customers is also important.  Sometimes the combination of these factors results in the perfect opportunity to send your homegrown talent to new countries to assist those working remotely in understanding your company and your company’s goals.

Knowing this trend, maybe it is time to consider going global. Do you know why mobility in business is important? And how to achieve it?

How mobility can help you go global

Building another site can be expensive, but it is still one of the first things companies do when they decide to expand internationally. However, business mobility today allows for operations to start in a country completely online with the possibility of “pay-as-you-play” office space for those more collaborative moments.

You can start hiring international candidates to your current office and have access to a large pool of candidates because the location is no longer a limiting factor. Companies can meet ever-changing business needs quickly, increase efficiencies, and future-proof their workforce by granting remote access to centrally held IT resources.

Three reasons to aim for mobility in business

1. Gather the best talent

When you begin remote recruitment, you must decide whether to limit your search to local applicants or broaden your talent pool to include candidates from all over the world.

If you have workers from all over the world early on, it might be easier to relocate them, given you have a good relocation policy. Expanding your hiring range can bring different skillsets and more creativity to the office.

2. Expand into new territories

Whether hiring remote workers or assigning someone to work on-site, expanding mobility in business is the perfect way to reach new territories. Have you considered that the perfect persona may be in Asia or South America?  

It is a fact that a popular product in your own country may not be as popular in foreign target markets – that is why research and development are requirements for international expansion. But if you did your analysis, maybe it is time to start risking elsewhere.

3. Broaden skills in the home office

Cultural exchange is also great for employees. Not only to promote their growth but to bring diversity and inclusivity to the office.

Recent studies point out that diversity can propel innovation, so why not send your best employee on an assignment while you start operating over the Atlantic? They can live new experiences abroad or learn with someone you relocate to the home office.

Mobility in business: where to start

Even if you start remote, it is important to do proper research. Not only about your products and services, but also inquire about labour laws.

One should always be aware that two countries will not share the same employment laws, tax policies, or human resource standards. As you go to different nations, you need to comprehend all nuances.

Failing to understand the tax, monetary, and employment rules can lead to major compliance concerns. Before entering a new market, conduct enough studies to ensure that you can operate correctly and legally.

Ready to go global? Learn how to choose a relocation company to help you along the way.

Relocation expert

Picture of Michael Deane

Michael Deane

Helping companies relocate employees & recruits seamlessly, whether it is domestically, cross-border or globally.

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