Choose Canadian: Four essential local destination services

One thing we’ve learned in the last few years is that talent and sales have no borders.

One thing we’ve learned in the last few years is that talent and sales have no borders. Thanks to technology and heightened by the necessity of the pandemic, people from all over the world can sell anything.

If your business needs mobility for relocations into Canada, you may have considered getting relocation services from companies with offices far away because of their size. But when relocating within and into Canada, you should be able to pick your local provider of destination services for the best for your employee.

Do you know what to look for in a good Canadian destination service delivery?

Essential local destination services

Area orientation

It is a fact that in many locations in Canada, Realtors will not help renters.  And in those areas where they do, they are often limited in their knowledge of all city areas. A good area orientation explores the new city. It leaves the assignee with a sense of the possible communities they may choose to live in, amenities, lifestyle options and commuting options. You can’t look for your permanent housing if you don’t know the city, so let your employees take the time for an area orientation. The secret to a great area orientation is the intimate knowledge of the city that your Destination Service Provider has.

Housing and renting

Canada is a large country with very diverse cities. Most cities require just two days for the Destination Services Provider to show an ample stock of properties. The service delves into the pros and cons of each property. Great technology tools help employees discover everything they want to know about their properties in conjunction with their favourite neighbourhoods. The home finding is not complete without a lease review to ensure that the transferee or assignee’s interests are protected and assisted with utility connections.


The first few weeks in a new house are hard! Settling in services can sometimes mean local registrations, but it can also mean assistance with ensuring the family is successful in the new home and the new neighbourhood. This can assist with education registration, local cell phone contracts, lifestyle activities close to the new home, etc.  Again, you want to ensure that your Destination Services provider is an expert on local knowledge.

Departure assistance

Leaving an assignment has almost the same amount of stress as settling in. A good departure assistance service helps notify the landlord, terminate the lease, and ensure a move-out inspection so that landlords do not keep security deposits or demand monies for repairs already present at the move-in inspection. But departure assistance extends to so many aspects of properly closing down and leaving the country.  You want to ensure that your assignees don’t forget to do something critical before leaving, like obtain a government document that can only be obtained locally.  Sometimes these misses are small and can be remedied later, but often a miss can lead to significant unnecessary expenses for the employer or individual. All such misses could have been avoided with professional guidance.

All Points knows all the major cities in Canada like the back of our hands. Our team of experts loves to explore and show off different parts of our country to assignees. When choosing a relocation company for local departure services, consider getting in touch with us.

Relocation expert

Picture of Michael Deane

Michael Deane

Helping companies relocate employees & recruits seamlessly, whether it is domestically, cross-border or globally.

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