Permanent Residency: When should you offer to sponsor it for your new hires?

With more than 280.000 immigrants annually, Canada is a country many people want to live in.

With more than 280.000 immigrants annually, Canada is a country many people want to live in. Even in 2020, the number of permanent residents rose, especially when borders were still opening. With the gradual return of the economy and the reopening of borders, this number will grow (All Points has before advised of the government’s ambitious goals for immigration).

Coming to Canada and converting from a work permit status to permanent status is the hope and dream of many. Still, many companies may not want to sponsor their PR Visa Application, even though this is a huge benefit to their employees.

There is, however, one specific scenario where it may be essential to open a position to foreign individuals and sponsor their application: when you are in a competitive industry.

What makes up a competitive industry?

Quick answer: ask your talent acquisition how hard their daily struggles are. The long answer is if you find it is difficult to hire Canadians to work at your company, and your services are in high demand and your growth projections are significant, you may be a company that should look abroad for talent. According to FDI’s 2019 report, companies in Technology, Advanced Manufacturing, and Entertainment are “currently targeting to draw foreign direct investment”. But there are many more.

As we explain in our e-book Relocation by Industry, high-tech companies may need to relocate recruits or employees with hard-to-find skill sets with different allowances depending on the level of the worker and from where they come. With most of these same benefits being offered by your competitors, a sponsored PR Visa Application can be a compelling draw to those applicants.

How to sponsor a Permanent Residency Visa Application?

As stated by the Canadian government, a permanent resident has been granted permanent resident status after coming to Canada but is not a citizen of Canada.

Their status is valid through a PR card that allows them to receive social benefits, including health care coverage, and live, work or study anywhere in Canada. This is also the first step to applying for Canadian citizenship.

Today, someone can become a permanent resident if they have a job offer, are skilled workers, or are opening a start-up here. An employee who has been employed on a work permit for some time and has good English or French skills will be in good position to apply for Permanent Residency via Express Entry.

Is it worth the risk?

Of course, this can be seen as a risk for a company since the employee could now be free to work anywhere in Canada. However, it is important to remember that if your industry needs qualified workers, you need to offer compelling benefits, including the opportunity of permanency.

All Points has seen companies promote the fact (upfront) that they will pay for a work permit holder’s pathway to Permanent Residency. In other cases, they have paid for a portion of the cost to apply through Express Entry for Permanent Residency, such as half the cost or one-third. It all depends on how competitive your own company’s war for talent is.

Win over your new hire with the huge attraction that Canada has to the rest of the world and grow your company with the most capable professionals, wherever they might be. Contact All Points to discuss your relocation options.

Relocation expert

Picture of Michael Deane

Michael Deane

Helping companies relocate employees & recruits seamlessly, whether it is domestically, cross-border or globally.

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